Billings 12/28/2010 4:57:41 AM
News / Internet

Dog Pack Attack Case Settled by Billings Injury Attorney

Montana personal injury lawyer Solomon Neuhardt has settled a dog bite case. Mr. Neuhardt represented Ms. Laurah Peron, who was spraying her porch to control insects when three Boxers attacked on a July morning.  

Ms. Peron suffered several bites, the most severe damaging the calf muscle of her left leg. She also had puncture wounds and bruising from the force of the dog’s powerful jaws. Besides the dog bite injury to her leg, Ms. Peron was bitten on the hand while trying to fend off the attack. Altogether, 40 stitches were required to close the wounds.
It is unknown how many or which of the Boxers initiated the assault. It is thought they were acting as a pack – the group more aggressive than any individual dog. The three animals, Ponch, Spot and Foxy, were held by animal control for observation before being released back to the owners. Ms. Peron had to undergo a series of rabies shots.
The case at issue was the owner’s responsibility to properly secure his pets. There was a fenced area to hold the dogs, but on the day in question, the owner was rushed and didn’t confine the animals. Part of the personal injury settlement was to improve the fence around the dogs’ yard which was found to be insufficient.
Billings injury attorney Solomon Neuhardt negotiated a settlement for his client of an undisclosed amount. Mr. Neuhardt commented, “Although the settlement amount is confidential, we achieved a very favorable result.”
Commonly, insurance settlements include payments for medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, and disfigurement.
The Neuhardt Law Firm, P.C., is located in Billings. They specialize in injury and accident cases. More information about the firm can be found at or by calling their office number, (406)-294-9540.

Attorney Solomon Neuhardt is a member of the national attorney directory on 

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