Every successful business knows that when you’re on top there is no time for rest; even the smallest concession can lead to a dramatic fall. There is immense pressure to continually improve products, services, efficiency, reliability, customer and client satisfaction, employee capabilities, etc. and it is only through these upgrades that a business can remain competitive. Knowing that competition is what drives the corporate world, a simple setback in any of these areas presents an opportunity for other companies to build their name.
While there will always be the possibility that events outside a business’s control could cause a setback that determines success or failure the focus of a sound business is on the things that they can control. Among the most important controllable aspects of a business is their computer network system.
Stepping back and looking at the responsibilities that are placed upon a computer network system it seems inconceivable that a business would ignore its health. A business depends upon its network for reliable communication via email and internal messaging, sharing software and hardware along with files and documents, preserving information, maintaining security, and promoting efficiency and reliability through speed. Understanding that these integral functions of a business are all part of a computer network system should make its health a priority.
Failure to maintain the health of a computer network system can lead to catastrophic results for any business. A business that loses their ability to communicate with customers and clients, that doesn’t provide a means for employees to share software, files and documents, and that doesn’t operate in an efficient or reliable manner will not be around long.
All of these setbacks are problems that are caused by an unhealthy computer network system, and more importantly they are all within a business’s ability to control. This is why there is no excuse for allowing a computer network system’s health to deteriorate.
That health will begin to show cracks if it is ignored and like any crack it will get worse over time. Among the most damaging health hazards facing a network system is the computer disease known as fragmentation. This disease is what causes those slowdowns and reliability issues listed earlier and if something isn’t done to protect the network the ultimate price will be paid, a network crash.
A common misconception is that with larger drives being made the dangers associated with fragmentation are no longer as prevalent; this could be the costliest mistake a business makes. If anything, the larger drives that are now capable of storing several times the information of its predecessors make a business more vulnerable. While these larger drives may buy a business more time they don’t eliminate fragmentation, a naturally occurring disease that exists on every unprotected drive.
Larger drives simply mean more information that gets wiped out when fragmentation causes the network to collapse.
Again, all of this would be irrelevant if a business just protected their computer network system from fragmentation. Businesses go to great lengths to protect themselves from a number of possible events that could hurt their company yet when it comes to something like fragmentation, something that will hurt their company, many fail to act and the consequences are devastating.
Just as many businesses offer health insurance to their employees they should do the same for their network system. That insurance comes in the form of defragmentation software; a product that once installed can safeguard your network and ensure operability.
Companies like Diskeeper, a market leader in defragmentation software, design their defrag products to not only protects a network system from fragmentation but also repair the damage that has been caused by fragmentation. By installing defragmentation software the product can quickly turn a damaged drive into a healthy drive, restoring speed and reliability as well as extending the life of a network.
Defragmentation software is simply a must-have for any computer network system to operate at its full potential. As every business has the ability to control the health of their network it stands to reason that they would all protect their network with defragmentation software.