Los Angeles, Ca 1/4/2011 2:36:07 AM
News / Entertainment

Prison Consultant Has Some Tips For Lindsay Lohan And Her New Freedom!

Lindsay Lohan has a long but manageable road ahead.

The New Year is here and that means FREEDOM for Lindsay Lohan. The way she handles this freedom is up to her. Not many of us have had to live our legal and addiction problems under the same level of scrutiny as Lindsay. Every move has been watched and second-guessed by not only law enforcement, but also pop media. How ironic that Lindsay made so many top ten year in review lists, while Charlie Sheen made only a few.


Wendy Feldman. founder of Custodial Coaching Prison Consultants has this advice to Lindsay and those watching." Re-entry under any circumstance is a difficult process. Re-entry, while many are waiting for you to fail may seem like an entirely other thing all together. It really is not. After all, people look for those leaving prison to fail every day. Maybe not in the spotlight of the media, but failure and felony do seem to go together. They do not have to."


Feldman says that Lindsay" needs to go about her re-entry as if she was just another person leaving custody or an alternative sentence. That means being ultra careful with all choices and decisions. It also means never forgetting where you just came from and how quickly you could go back or worse. Re-entry also means that you have to earn back the trust and respect of others. That, just like change, takes work and lots of it. The good news is that we live in the land of the free and America loves a good comeback."

Lindsay Lohan needs to take her time, stay away from the bad influences that helped land her in jail and believe in herself. Feldman tells all of her clients to stay humble while being proud of what they have accomplished in custody. "The last thing Lindsay needs is more trouble and an eventual Incarcervention from me states Feldman.


Wendy Feldman is president of Custodial Coaching, the only woman run Prison Coaching organization in the United States. She served 18 months in Federal Prison for financial crimes. She is available for media interviews, and offers insight into the criminal justice system, life behind bars, and how to best return to a normal life after incarceration. Custodial Coaching is the leading prison preparation and advising service in the United States. She is also the author of the blog Notes From an Insider.