Los Angeles 11/1/2008 11:34:07 PM
News / Business

Liberty Publisher Contrast Media Press Joins The NRA Business Alliance.

Contrast Media Press joins the NRA’s member businesses to reach non-gun owner customers following a 2008 rude awakening over big government.

"Contrast Media Press enrolled in the National Rifle Association’s Business Alliance because of our values system," explains Publisher John Longenecker.

Contrast Media Press specializes in bulk sales of its liberty titles for corporate gift-with-purchase sales promotions, patriotic events, sponsors, membership drives, fundraisers and conferences. New authors welcome.

"The NRA is the oldest Civil Rights Organization in America, and it resonates with our values system of Liberty, not just about guns, but personal liberty." says Longenecker.

"In 2009, Liberty in America is still a concept many have never known. Millions got a rude awakening in 2008. This is largely due to sweeping policies which emphasize dependency over Independence, and thus, if I may say so, hide the keys to the shackles of so many Americans by obfuscating the liberty message meant for them as an inheritance. We believe that you never know who may be hearing that liberty message of that inheritance for the very first time."

"2008 found millions of Americans feeling frozen out of self-governance, from pressures of a National ID Card to a banking scandal, and getting involved in asserting their sovereignty and personal dignity has become high on their list now," says Longenecker. Where do they begin?

NRA Member Businesses serve many non-gun owner customers and clients, such that they are not preaching to the choir, but likely to reach those looking for sanctuary from the big government experience of 2008. NRA Businesses may find application of these books in bulk for their non-member customers, for instance, in gift-with-purchase, a sponsorship or other contact.

"For the first time in a very long time," says Longenecker, "Non-gun owner Americans now experience precisely what the gun-owning liberty purists have been warning. Now the gun owners and non-gun owners have something profound in common, the experience that big government goes too far for everyone."

Contrast Media Press publishes The Successful Liberty Nut Author 2009, now available worldwide.

See NRA Business Alliance Directory [under Publishers category] at www.nraba.org

