Denver, CO 11/4/2008 4:48:06 AM
News / Health & Wellness

LegalView Reports Record Numbers of Drug Reactions in U.S., Partially Caused by Heparin, the number one legal resource available on the Web, recently announced record high numbers of serious drug reactions and fatalities among Americans, according to data gathered by the watchdog group the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP). The Associated Press reported the research, which found that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) received nearly 21,000 reports of incidents involving severe drug reactions, with close to 23 percent of those resulting in death. The record high was in part due to a blood thinner known as Baxter Heparin, which was found to be tainted. Patients who may have been subject to the Heparin side effects should consider consulting a pharmaceutical law firm, which will likely be able to provide insightful details as to the development of any potential Heparin lawsuit.

Baxter Healthcare Corporation first received approval for Heparin in 1972 and the drug is used as a blood thinner in surgeries and procedures ranging from dialysis to heart surgery. It is used to prevent blood clots from developing, which can be fatal among patients. The drug is derived from the lining of pig intestines and has been used in millions of patients beginning as early as the 1930s. However, at the end of 2007, nearly 350 reports of serious side effects from patients began to surface. It was soon discovered that a batch of tainted Heparin had made its way into hospitals across the country from China. The tainted drug set off an international investigation with tensions between China and the U.S. running high.

As headlines grew regarding the investigation, thousands of patients were still at risk for the possible Heparin dangers. It is imperative that patients who may have received Heparin during a medical procedure contact an experienced pharmaceutical attorney to explore the potential for a
Heparin class action lawsuit, which may offer monetary compensation for the damages caused by the tainted blood thinner.

In addition to reporting information on the tainted Heparin, LegalView also offers information on a range of other topics, all of which have recently been re-launched to offer victims of legal issues the most up-to-date news and information. For example, LegalView offers information portals on topics such as the rare, but serious mesothelioma cancer as well as information on traumatic brain injuries. LegalView also offers coverage on several other pharmaceutical drugs including Avandia.

Mesothelioma is a serious and rare cancer that is becoming more common among the U.S. elderly population. Mesothelioma cancer is caused by the exposure of an individual to asbestos fibers and dust. It takes years and, in most cases, decades before symptoms of mesothelioma become apparent. Even then the
mesothelioma symptoms are often misdiagnosed for other similar conditions, which negatively effects an individual's treatment success.

Another of LegalView's most recently re-launched information portals is that of the traumatic brain injury (TBI) site. More than 5 million Americans currently suffer from TBI, and thousands, if not millions, of those victims go undiagnosed, leading to a potentially severe or fatal outcome. The number of TBI victims is also growing as thousands of U.S. soldiers returning from the war in Iraq are plagued by
traumatic brain injury.

For information on other controversial pharmaceuticals, individuals can use the LegalView library to find the latest on unsafe drugs, such as the type 2 diabetes drug Avandia. Avandia, from GlaxoSmithKline, has been prescribed to millions of patients as an anti-diabetic therapy that uses an individual's natural insulin to regulate blood sugar levels to avoid diabetic shock. However, within the last couple of years, Avandia has been linked to heart failure and heart damage as well as bone fractures/breaks and early on-set osteoporosis. Those who have consumed Avandia and may suffer from one of these risks should consult a medical professional immediately. Additionally, contacting an experienced
Avandia attorney may also provide assistance to an injured person.

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