Orange County, CA 1/11/2011 7:47:37 AM
News / Law

Woman Flies Across Country To have Sex With 13 year Old She Met On X-Box

Rachel Ann Hicks, 36, from Orange County, California woman flew across the country to have sexual relations with a 13-year-old boy she met through her Xbox, police said.

Hicks was arrested Friday for allegedly bedding the Maryland teen, and is being charged with two counts of rape, one count of second-degree sex offense and one count of sexual solicitation of a minor.

Her arrest came after the boy's family discovered several "romantic" text messages on his cell phone. According to police, there were also phone calls, emails and sexually explicit images and movies exchanged between Hicks and the 13-year-old.

Hicks allegedly flew to the teen's Maryland home during Thanksgiving, where the two engaged in sexual intercourse, authorities said.

Police said Hicks admits to also having sex with an as yet unidentified minor in California.