Washington, DC 1/11/2011 8:15:06 AM
News / Law

White House Staffer's Wife's Body Found Burned To Death In Smoldering BMW

The charred body of a woman who was found burned to death in a car in Washington DC, is reportedly the wife of a White House liaison Daniel Turton, the deputy director of legislative affairs for the U.S. House of Representatives

Ashley Turtin a 37-year-old mother of three and lobbyist for Progress Energy, which provides power to homes in North and South Carolina, was found dead in her burning BMW in the garage of her home in the nation's capital.

Police have not yet confirmed the identity of the woman, but a sources told the Washington Post that the former chief of staff for Rep. Rose DeLauro (D-Conn.) was discovered in her car early Monday morning.

D.C. Fire officials were called to the scene around 5 a.m. to battle the blaze, then contacted police when they came across the body.

The Metropolitan Police Department would not confirm it was Turton, but did tell the Daily News that Police were called to the scene of an "accident" on the 800 block of A Street, in the city's southeast section, where the Turtons live.

"My husband Stan and I are shocked by the tragic loss of our dear friend and colleague," said DeLauro in a statement of the woman who worked for her from 2000 to 2007. "She was special as a pioneering chief-of-staff who knew how to make the House of Representatives work for people. She was a leader and comrade in arms...This is truly a terrible week for our Congressional family."