New York 1/12/2011 12:26:40 AM
News / Internet

Free Legal Marketing Opportunity Extended to Attorneys Nationwide By Lawyer

Lawyer is inviting bar-verified attorneys across the country to claim their profile, at no charge, in one of the internet’s fastest growing legal directories. Run by lawyers for lawyers, Lawyer understands that searching online attorney directories is becoming a popular way for individuals to find a lawyer, and encourages all bar-certified attorneys to expand their web presence today by claiming their profile in the directory for free. If you are looking to drive traffic to your website, increase your online visibility and receive new client inquiries, visit today to learn how to take advantage of this free online marketing opportunity. Joining the directory is free and easy, and provides benefits to those who have already established a web presence for their practice, as well as those new to online legal marketing.

Attorneys who take advantage of this free attorney marketing opportunity will receive several benefits as verified members of the Lawyer Central attorney directory. Each verified attorney will receive an interactive lawyer profile in the directory, where they can advertise their practice areas and detail their achievements in the biography section. They will also be given the opportunity to post legal videos, list recent verdicts and settlements, receive real-time client inquires and submit press releases to national news networks. Furthermore, attorneys who take advantage of this free lawyer marketing opportunity will allow their profile pages to stand out among unverified attorneys in the search results, which are displayed when a site user searches for a lawyer in their area. 

If you are new to legal marketing, or are simply looking for a quick way to further expand your web presence, joining an attorney directory is one of the easiest ways to increase your online exposure. In fact, recently wrote an entry in their attorney marketing blog about the importance of participating in a legal web directory, and recommended Lawyer Central to attorneys looking to increase their web traffic. If you are looking to take further steps in your attorney marketing plan, Lawyer Central is welcoming you to join their online directory today. Visit to claim your free attorney profile and take the next step in online legal marketing.  

About Lawyer Central

Lawyer Central Network is a nationwide network of attorneys using technology to increase their individual exposure. Lawyer Central is emerging as a leading public relations and mixed media marketing organization for fast-growing law firms and forward-thinking attorneys. Lawyer Central membership includes access to cutting edge technology, as well as various types of media exposure ranging from practice area videos and in depth interviews to complete public relations and internet relations management.