Los Angeles 11/5/2008 7:17:57 AM
News / Business

Patriotic How-To-Get-Published Book: The Spirit Of Reagan Lives On In New Liberty Thought Leaders.

Contrast Media Press launches this week a getting-published book purely for new Liberty Authors in America, The Successful Liberty Nut Author 2009.

America has been searching for another Ronald Reagan to enunciate liberty values, many have observed. "The next Ronald Reagan will not be found as an individual to send to office," says Author John Longenecker, a Liberty Nut himself. "But, the spirit of Reagan will be found in the countless purists who relate America’s original intent values to the household in answer to the insistent zeal of her servants, the disinformation, the corrupt, and the angry."

Longenecker remarks that when he first began his own syndicated feature, Good For the Country in March, 2004, he praised other liberty bloggers who were so passionate that they were castigated as nuts by their critics. Longenecker called them affectionately instead the Liberty Nuts.

Sovereignty, liberty, and citizen authority are going to be big in 2009. How to reduce Big Government is going to be big in 2009.

With such big government looming now more than ever before, it is clear that millions of Americans now live the very same experience the Liberty Purists have been warning about, the very same experience the Founding Fathers foresaw and provided safeguards against. "Now, preparedness, citizen authority and personal sovereignty aren’t so nutty," says Longenecker.

"Big Government was never the answer to big problems," Longenecker says. "Liberty is the answer as always. It is the built-in, inherited, due process solution in all things, and the Liberty Purists will bring to all households the bad news that, as always, we are on our own. But the good news is that we are on our own, specifically meaning citizen authority and involvement."

The Successful Liberty Nut Author 2009 - The Liberty Purist’s Guide To Patriotic Platforming Before You Publish.
