New York 1/13/2011 11:59:33 PM
News / Health & Wellness

DePuy Hip Metal Poisoning May Develop Without Hip Pain or Other Symptoms

Patients who have been implanted with the DePuy ASR XL Acetabular Hip System or the ASR Hip Resurfacing System may be at risk for metal poisoning as the metal-on-metal components rub against each other and release small metal particles into the tissues and bloodstream. Although DePuy hip metal poisoning has been associated with symptoms such as hip pain and rashes, patients with high levels of metal particles in their bodies may be asymptomatic. If you have been implanted with a recalled DePuy ASR hip implant, you may be at risk for serious complications, even if you haven’t experienced hip pain or other signs of hip implant failure. Visit today to learn more about DePuy hip metal poisoning and to receive a free online case review to determine if you are owed compensation in light of the recent DePuy hip recall

The DePuy ASR XL Acetabular Hip System and the ASR Hip Resurfacing System were recalled in August 2010, and as a result, patients who have been implanted with these hip replacements may have to undergo additional testing and monitoring to ensure their hip is functioning properly and to determine if they have developed signs of DePuy metal poisoning. Patients who have been implanted with the recalled hip implants are advised to undergo blood testing to determine the level of microscopic metal particles in their bodies, as even those with high levels of metallic ions may not develop any symptoms. If the blood tests show a high level of metal ions, the patient may need a MRI or ultrasound test to determine if they have developed a reaction to the particles. In these cases, the patient may need revision surgery to replace their DePuy ASR hip implant. 

Patients who have been implanted with the recalled ASR systems may be at risk for DePuy metal poisoning due to the metal-on-metal design of the system. As the components rub against each other, they can release cobalt and chromium into the body. Some individuals may develop an inflammatory reaction to these metal particles, causing fluid build-up in the joint and its surrounding tissue. Initially, DePuy hip metal poisoning may be painless; however, left untreated, it can damage the muscles, bones and nerves around the hip. 

Patients who have been implanted with a recalled DePuy ASR hip implant may have elevated levels of metal in their systems without swelling, hip pain or other symptoms. If you have not developed symptoms of DePuy metal poisoning, this does not mean you are not at risk for serious complications. Visit Class today to learn more about the metal toxicity associated with the recalled DePuy hip implants and to receive a free online case review offered by the site’s DePuy hip recall lawyers. 

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