SHERIDAN 1/14/2011 2:02:27 AM
News / Law

States can attack Feds! State Nullification Act

Patriots Demand States Put Fed in Check

U.S. Patriots Union and Stand Up America
State Nullification Act

The United States Patriots Union, in strategic partnership with Stand Up America and our joint 2011 Call to Action, have launched a nationwide initiative to introduce and pass broad-based state nullification legislation in all fifty states. We present this model legislation, The State Nullification Reaffirmation Act, as a proposed state bill for the following reasons.

The sovereign states lost congressional representation of states interests in 1913 with the passage of the 17th Amendment, which removed the constitutional right of each state legislature to choose two representatives of state interests, to be seated in the US Senate.

Since then, all branches of the federal government have increasingly acted against the best interests of the states and the people, reaching farther and farther beyond the scope and authority granted them in the U.S. Constitution and today, the federal government functions with utter disdain for both states’ and individual rights.

With no legitimate venue available in which to demand redress of grievances in the legislative, executive or judicial branches of the federal government at present, we have determined that the people of each state, via their elected state officials, must take broad but specific state measures to force the federal government to live within the confines of the U.S. Constitution and the enumerated powers, for the sake of the sovereign states and the citizens thereof.

On this basis, The United States Patriots Union acting in strategic partnership with Stand Up America, commissioned the Patriots Union Constitutional Justice Division to draft a model bill granting the states the power and mechanisms to nullify any federal statute, mandate or executive order which the state determines to be unconstitutional. It is our joint intention to see this bill passed and enforced in every state as soon as possible.

The United States Patriots Union, LLC and Stand Up America present this model bill for consideration of legislators in each of the fifty sovereign states. Additional information is available at both sponsoring organizations.

Researched and prepared by The United States Patriots Union, LLC
The Constitutional Justice Division
1617 North Main Street, Suite B, Sheridan, WY 82801