Fort Lauderdale 1/14/2011 5:22:45 AM
News / Law

Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury Attorney Offers a Report on New Hampshire Pileup

A multiple car pileup occurred on Interstate 93 in New Hampshire on January 9th. The pileup accident occurred in the afternoon and included about 40 vehicles. Of the vehicles involved in the pileup accident, there were two buses, one commercial bus, and one Tilton school bus, which was transporting a sports team. Pileup accidents are one of the types of car crashes that can cause serious injuries and significantly alter the lives of its victims. If you’ve been injured in a car crash, visit to contact a Florida auto accident attorney

Nine people were rushed to the Concord Hospital as a result of the pileup accident. Fortunately, none of the injuries were life-threatening. Everybody brought to the hospital appeared to experience only minor injuries. Nursing supervisor Angelique Dixon said that most of the people brought to the hospital were expected to be treated and released.
Apparently, the pileup accident could have been in large part due to bad weather conditions in the area at the time. It had been snowing, and ice covered the road. As a result of the pileup, the southside of Interstate 93 was shutdown in Canterbury (which is about 10 miles North of Concord). The highway was also kept closed after the pileup for about 2 hours.

These types of pileup accidents unfortunately do happen. Oftentimes, during the pileups, driver reaction time is not quick enough to avoid hitting the car in front, leading each car hit to impact the car in front as well. Weather conditions can also often play a role, as it did here. If you or somebody you know has been injured in such a pileup, injured in a car accident of any sort, or injured in some other type of accident, contact Fort Lauderdale personal injury attorney Anthony Quackenbush at 786-294-7711 for a free consultation or visit his website at

Attorney Anthony Quackenbush is a member of the national attorney network on

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