Los Angeles 11/8/2008 3:16:31 AM
News / Internet

New Blog Aids New Patriotic Authors In 2009: LibertyNut.com

Possible implosion of the Republican Party and a 2008 big government awakening mean renewed interest in American Independence.

Experts agree that many, many Americans have a book to write, and that marketing has been the chief challenge for all new authors. John Longenecker’s different how-to-get-published book brings an interesting and enjoyable approach to new writers on two levels: he inspires new liberty authors to come forward to meet their preformed niche awaiting their arrival (a niche is critical to marketing), and shows new liberty writers how to test their content, further craft their book, and to develop their niche to make them more of a personal success before their book is published.

The subject in 2009 will be American Liberty.

"2008 was a powerful, untoward experience of too much government in the lives of millions, and this is most significant," says Liberty Nut John Longenecker. For years, liberty purists have been warning fellow Americans about gigantic government takings, dictates and intrusions, how crime is handled, how money is handled. Now, these are coming true, and as millions begin to feel it, they want their freedom and independence back. Where to start when the Republican Party is about to implode? It begins with what Independence is really all about, and LIberty Nuts are geared to relate it all to how we run our homes. 

The Successful Liberty Nut Author 2009 shows how liberty nuts fit in among the giants and much more. Longenecker answers e-mail, and the LibertyNut Blog addresses the more sweeping questions.

See LibertyNut.com