Los Angeles 11/10/2008 2:19:12 AM
News / Education

Ten Things The RNC Can Do To Keep From Imploding... And Then, Ten More.

A 2008 cognizance of bigger government, a banking scandal and more puts millions of liberty nuts and purists in touch now with the rest of America in what the purists had forecast.

Syndicated writer and author John Longenecker upbraids Conservatives for their lack of partisanship and poor understanding of conservative values as survival skills.

Longenecker has been writing for years that America needs less dependency on officials and in fact more Independence from officials, and must come to rely on them only as servants and nothing more. This means not only a paradigm shift away from so-called Leadership over to the new conservative paradigm of following instructions and patriotic needs of constituents and country, but also a greater understanding of service over self-dealing cooperation.

"We’ve gotten into this fix from ever-increasing dependency on government for a thousand issues, and the Republicans have gotten so very weak on avoiding that kind of dependency that they have become part of the dependency problem," Longenecker points out.

Ten Things from Author John Longenecker is a rather simple patriotic formula of boldly stating partisanship the republicans were sent to Washington for, and Longenecker observes that the Conservatives don’t even have a clue as to what that really is. He shows where in Ten Things, and finds that there will be even more to upbraid them for in a follow-up piece, Ten More Things.

"To Hell with reaching across the aisle," says Longenecker. "Do we still have a woodshed in Washington? The biggest mistake the Conservatives have made is that they didn’t have the guts to understand how important and welcome conservative values really are, so they backed down in severe uncertainty and self-doubt and cooperated instead of standing up. This can come only from being so unclear on patriotic values that they are led by their colleagues more than by their constituents."

Ten Things is viewed at Longenecker’s flagship site Good For The Country, and at his syndicated outlets around the web.