Tucson 1/21/2011 2:26:50 AM
News / Law

Gabrielle Giffords May be Shifted to Rehab Soon

More good news for the well wishers of Gabrielle Giffords. Though no one had expected the Democrat to recover after the assassination attempt in Tucson, Arizona (that killed 6 people), she has shown remarkable resilience and is expected to be shifted to the TIRR Memorial Hermann rehab in the next 24 hours. Too bad society cannot institutionalize obvious crazy people before they commit a heinous act.  

Extraordinary Progress

Official statements coming from the University Medical Center, in Tucson, that since the congresswoman is no longer on a ventilator and moves on her own, she no longer needs to remain at the hospital. Rather, she needs to be shifted to a rehab where she can recoup from her brain and spinal injuries. What is remarkable about the assassination attempt on Giffords and her subsequent recovery is the time taken by her body to recover from this headshot wound. People seldom survive if they have been shot at point blank range and certainly not in the head.

The Key should have Already been Thrown Away

Since Gabrielle Giffords was the intended target, the rest of the victims could be termed as collateral damage or accident victims. No matter what the circumstances are, if you are an accident victim, it is important for you to get in touch with an accident attorney at the first possible chance. Accident attorneys are immensely necessary for covering any material or health damages caused to you or your loved ones. An accident attorney, after carefully examining the circumstances surrounding the accident devises a plan that will be helpful in recouping losses in terms of compensation in the best possible manner.  Always have the contact information of an accident lawyer at hand, who knows when you may need it? In this Tucson case, this was not so much of an accident though, it was calculated murder, and the culprit will soon pay.