Anchorage 1/22/2011 6:06:19 AM
News / Law

Todd Palin Affair

The former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is in the news again. She is always in the news since so many people on the left fear her, primarily females who believe she is a threat to everything they stand for. Palin wants a strong economy, a strong country, and Palin is proud of America’s history. Her enemies do not care about the constitution like Palin does and they have different views. The latest attack is another salvo from the left, this time from the The National Enquirer. This involves her husband, Todd Palin. According to this unbelievable magazine that only issues fallacious sensational gossip, Todd had an affair.

The First Dude

Supposedly Todd had an affair with a massage therapist and is in trouble for the same. This message therapist is also supposed to be a prostitution ring leader as well. Well, at least she can multi-task. Todd has fought back these accusations and rejects them soundly. The First Dude, or Todd, and Shailey Tripp supposedly had this love entanglement and this goofy magazine says there is actual evidence to support these claims. Some tenants in the same business building that the Palin’s rent some offices, said they witnessed Todd always arriving and leaving and heard noises from inside the Palin’s offices that seemed to be sexual in nature. These same tenants are the ones who called the police on the Palin’s before for some goofy reason.   

An Attorney who Fights for You

If this is true, Todd and Sarah would need a divorce lawyer, not an employment visa lawyer. They would not need employment visa lawyers since they are both U.S. citizens as well. Employment visa lawyers work hard to enable someone to work and live in the U.S. legally and the Palin’s are for skilled immigrants being allowed to work and create jobs in America because they care about a growing and thriving business climate.