Sheridan 1/25/2011 6:26:49 AM
News / Law

More sugar coated lies expected from Obama?

The Candy Man Takes Center Stage at State of Disunion Speech

Source: Managing Editor - (1/24/11)

Author, J.B Williams comments, "Remember that old pop standard The Candy Man, by Sammy Davis Jr.? “Who can take a sunrise, sprinkle it with dew Cover it with choc’late and a miracle or two - The Candy Man, oh the Candy Man can…”

Williams went on to say, "I had completely forgotten about this song until Obama entered the political arena. Every time I hear him speak, or hear any of his sycophants speak about him, I can hear this old pop standard ringing in my head like a broken record."

Further, JB commented, "Never in history has our nation been more divided, more on the brink of utter disaster, or more angry about it all. But tomorrow night, the Candy Man will take center stage at what can only be described as a state of disunion speech?"

Who can take a rainbow, wrap it in a sigh
Soak it in the sun and make a groovy lemon pie
The Candy Man, the Candy Man can
The Candy Man can ‘cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good

Complete article