Not the birth certificate.

Constitutional Eligibility Defined

Qualifications To hold Office as the President of the United States

(Authoritative Factual Documentation – 12/13/2010)

Researched and Published by:  J.B. Williams, World renown historian and author, 12/13/2010  All Rights Reserved Copyright 2010

1)     Article II – Section I – Clause V of the US Constitution requires that a candidate for president of the United States be a “natural-born citizen” of the United States, absent of any and all potential for dual or divided loyalties. The reasons for this should be obvious to everyone. It is a matter of national security.

“No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President;”

a.     The term “natural-born Citizen” originated with the British Royal Family in an effort to secure the royal bloodline when members of the royal family were born while traveling abroad.

b.     It was based upon “natural law” or “nature’s law” (not man-made law) – following the bloodline of the father, the king or prince, regardless of birth place of the offspring.

c.     The term later became British Common Law and later, international law by way of international treaty often referred to as The Law of Nations, defining what constitutes a “nation” and the “citizens” of a nation, wherein all nations recognized the legal citizenship and citizenship rights of sovereign nations on this basis.

d.     Swiss philosopher, international diplomat and legal scholar of the time, Emerich de Vattel later wrote an authoritative book on the subject titled The Law of Nations.
