Los Angeles 1/25/2011 11:21:33 PM
News / Law

Stafon Johnson Files a Lawsuit

Stafon Johnson, who is a former USC running back, files a lawsuit against USC over a near-fatal weightlifting incident. Stafon Johnson claims that his coach struck the bench press bar recklessly and that could have almost crushed his neck. Working out can be dangerous and it is important to pay attention to the people around you when working out. It is also important to work with sound and stable equipment since cheap weight equipment can fall apart in mid stream, causing an injury – an injury that could be serious.

Stafon Johnson Filed a Lawsuit against USC

Jamie Yanchar was spotting Stafon Johnson when the incident took place while Stafon was bench pressing 275 pounds in the USC weight room in September 2009. While Stafon tried to grip the bar, Yanchar apparently struck the bar and it slipped from Stafon’s hands. The bar fell on Stafon’s neck and caused a collegiate-ending serious injury.

Another American Lawsuit

Stafon who signed on with the NFL team later, has filed a lawsuit for unspecified damanges and loss of future earnings. This loss of earnings may already have been felt. USC has issued a statement that talks about their disappointment with the lawsuit that they face since apparently they have helped Stafon deal with the injury right after it occured. USC should have dealt with Yanchar just as fast as well.  

Superlative Representation

Accident attorneys help people file for medical compensation when they have been victimized by a person or an organization. Accident attorneys work within the confines of tort law and Stafon may have one working for him now. accident attorneys work hard and represent their clients well but for all their capabilities, not one of them can really help out Yanchar who made a severe boneheaded mistake.