According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), alcohol addiction and/or alcohol abuse is attributed to over 100,000 deaths in the United States each year. Alcohol is by far the most deadly and underrated of all drugs. More people die and more lives are ruined from the effects of alcohol addiction than from any other drug addiction.
Not only is alcohol addiction deadly to people, but it is also lethal for marriages. According to Clinical & Experimental Research, there is a new study out which indicates that part of the growing divorce rate in the United States is due to an increase in alcohol consumption. The research journal examined over 5,000 people for alcohol abuse, age they became married, and age they developed an alcohol addiction. Researchers found that those who frequently consume alcohol were not only more likely to be married at an older age, but they also experience less success in marriage. Young adults should be warned about the adverse consequences of alcohol abuse. One of the negative consequences is that as the occurrence of drinking increases, the potential for a successful, long-term marriage decreases. Another potential, permanent, long-term adverse affect of alcohol addiction is premature death.
Many believe that the deadly effects from alcohol addiction are experienced after many years of “hard” drinking. Although many die from health-related problems such as cirrhosis of the liver, the facts are that the chief cause of death from alcohol is accidents. Alcohol related accidents can occur from falling, drowning, making poor decisions, drinking and driving, etc. The facts are that nothing good comes from alcohol abuse. Alcohol addiction turns lives upside down and creates immediate and gradual long-term problems.
Debbie Ross, the executive director of a Florida alcohol rehabilitation center, understands the danger of untreated alcohol addiction. According to Ross, “Some problems, to name a few, associated with alcohol addiction are cirrhosis of the liver, an increased risk of homicide, suicide, committing a violent crime, fatal car accidents, as well as family and marriage problems.” The executive director claims that people can recover from alcohol addiction. Sometimes the person with the problem needs help in identifying that there is a real problem and then realizing that he or she needs help. If a person can get find the proper rehab program soon enough, then they have the potential to live a normal happy life. “The key is getting the person suffering with alcohol addiction to receive help that is appropriate for him or her.” ~ Debbie Ross.