New York 1/26/2011 4:16:26 AM
News / Law

Mesothelioma’s Existence Till Today

Mesothelioma is caused due to the exposure to asbestos and this disease can be hidden from people for 30 to 50 years. A research team looked into the number of mesothelioma-related deaths that occurred till now throughout the world and they revealed some alarming statistics and trends.

Mesothelioma is on the Rise

Researchers say that their most important finding was that mesothelioma was unheard of in some countries even though these countries utilized asbestos. Some of these countries include Russia, China, and India, among others. This could be because many of the people in this country do not live as long as they do in Europe and the U.S. Researchers also concluded that asbestos use can be banned throughout the world and mesothelioma can be eradicated once every country agree to stop using asbestos completely. But this is easier said than done since asbestos is a wonderful product for so many reasons.

New Codes to Abide By

There are many employers who continue using asbestos at the same level in this country but they do so without ignorance. Asbestos is used in the renovation industry and in insulation and with the safety protocols in place, it is virtually impossible to obtain an asbestos related disease now. The people who have asbestos now obtained it before these rigorous and fool proof precautions were put into practice. And these people will still live comfortably for many more years.


Mesothelioma lawyers help those who have been affected by mesothelioma directly or indirectly. Mesothelioma lawyers represent people who have suffered due to the disease and are seeking compensation for the same. Mesothelioma lawyers have recently stated that better treatments should be looked into for the people who have acquired this destructive disease.