San Francisco 1/26/2011 4:31:10 AM
News / Law

Massive Immigration Fraud

Several Indian students in the United States face deportation that seemed to be involved in a massive immigration fraud that has been discovered recently in Silicon Valley. The authorities raided and shut down a university, Tri-Valley University to be exact, in the same area. This is mainly a university for electrical engineering and computer science students.

Immigration Fraud Becoming Widespread

Another university in the San Francisco bay area has been hit up with immigration fraud as well. This took the shape of mixing up visas, indulging in money laundering, and other kind of crimes. The aforementioned university had helped foreigners to acquire a visa or permit within the U.S., and most of these students are from India. The Immigration and Custom Enforcement investigations revealed that there were several students who were enrolled into an online course at the university and were supposed to be living in California but they actually worked in places that were much further away. This is basically fraud and the violation of criminal codes here is not extensive but is alarming nevertheless.

Book a Ticket Now

There is a wide spread panic among Indian students in the area as some of them face deportation while others will be facing further investigations. Several students might also want to get back home by themselves since they are being interrogated for the same. These students have been calling immigration lawyers to help them with the situation. Immigration lawyers will be able to help only those students who have some credibility and have lived in the U.S. and worked with them. The ones who are not honest and are in on this scheme may just want to book their tickets now. Immigration lawyers can advise students on how to proceed further to ameliorate any concern.