New York 1/28/2011 12:00:06 AM
News / Law

Zuckerberg's FaceBook Page Hacked, New Security Features Unveiled

It does not happen every day the most powerful social networking sites CEO’s home page gets hacked by some vandals. Probably this was essential for the executives at FaceBook to realize that the personal information of 500 million users is at stake. Less than 24 hours before, Zuckerberg's FaceBook page was hacked, replaced with other promotional material. Though Zuckerberg quickly went into damage control and restored the page, a huge loophole was made wide open for other hackers.

Measures Taken

In a slew of measures adopted by Zuckerberg, the most prominently visible would be HTTPS extension that the FaceBook site will have. Similar to banking and payment gateways, HTTPS would stop hackers from stealing the passwords of users. Another interesting and innovative security feature would be the identification of friends on your friends list. If some sort of suspicion is detected, rather than giving immediate access to the account, you will asked to identify your friends in your friends list to prevent further damages. Even if the account is logged into from two different and long distance geographical locations, the account would be marked with suspicious activity and further access would be given only after the identity is ascertained.

Facilitating the Process

Similar to hackers, illegal immigrants also are a problem to authorities and to society. Lots of people from poor countries try to enter the country by adopting illegal routes and means. However, what some people don’t know is that you can immigrate to the U.S. legally. However, the role of an immigration attorney is very crucial in this regard. A competent immigration lawyer would collect the right papers and make the process simple. The immigration attorney will also ensure that you have all the necessary information to pass the interview.