Los Angeles 2/1/2011 4:37:28 AM
News / Law

Mary Harvey Refuses to “Move On”

Comedian Steve Harvey divorced his wife Mary Harvey way back in 2005 but it looks like his actions and his ex-wife are still haunting him. After years of silence during which Steve Harvey got remarried, Mary kept her silence and dignity about their split. Earlier in January 2011, Mary Harvey released a few YouTube videos in which she speaks about her relationship with Steve, his alleged infidelity all through their marriage, and his marriage to his mistress after their divorce.

Like A Rape Victim

Mary got an opportunity to continue the slander against this popular TV anchor and radio show host when she was asked to appear on the Morning Show with Tom Joyner. Joyner happens to be Steve Harvey’s friend and confidante and tried to ensure that things wouldn’t get blown out of proportion during the interview. Mary, however, went for the jugular when she compared her situation with that of a rape victim.

Claims True or Lies

She claimed her silence has affected her and their son adversely. Meanwhile, Steve Harvey has released a statement to the press against his ex condemning her for making claims that he wrote off as lies. Apparently the pain that Mary tried to cope with could not be bottled up any longer.

Public Assassination

Accident attorneys have been approached by Harvey as Mary is attempting a public assassination of his character and reputation. Accident lawyers will work towards getting her to rescind the statements. They say her interview "contained false, misleading, derogatory, disparaging, malicious, explicit and slanderous information." Whether or not Steve Harvey consults accident attorneys, the damage seems to be done and it’s a pity that they also have children involved in the melee. Usually lawyers of this kind are involved in street accidents but they are very versatile.