New York 2/1/2011 7:40:00 PM
News / Law

New York 90 Day Temporary Liquor Licenses Becomes Law

In an effort to curtail some of the backlog and frustration caused by delays in the process to obtain a New York liquor license, which can take up to a year to obtain, the New York State Liquor Authority (NYSLA) has introduced a law to allow a 90 day temporary liquor license while a full liquor license is being considered, and may be extended for additional 30 day periods if necessary.

This process is similar to the existing process for obtaining a temporary permit when purchasing an existing business with an active liquor license.

Conditions for Temporary Liquor License

Temporary liquor licenses in New York are available in two scenarios.  Under the first scenario, if you seek a temporary liquor license for an existing establishment, the subject premises must have been operated under a liquor license within thirty (30) days of the filing of the application for the temporary license.  In this case, the holder of a temporary permit may sell alcoholic beverages only as would be permitted under the current license it replaces.  A valid contract of sale must be included with the application.

Under the second scenario, if the applicant is not purchasing the existing business, a temporary license may be issued provided the premises is not a wine or liquor store, is not subject to the 500 Foot Law, and is not located in New York City.

The fact that the new temporary liquor licenses are not available to new establishments in New York City is odd, given that the longest liquor license processing times are in NYC and the NYSLA has been unable to eliminate the backlog despite its lofty promises.  New establishments seeking a liquor license in New York City will need to wait for a full standard liquor license to serve alcohol.

Contact Information:
Rodriguez Law, P.C.
304 Park Avenue South, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10010
(877) 311-4548