New York 2/3/2011 1:52:55 AM
News / Law

Escrow Officers Who Were Denied Overtime Pay May Be Eligible for an Unpaid Overtime Lawsuit

When an escrow officer is denied overtime pay in violation of federal or state laws, they have the option of participating in an overtime lawsuit to recover the time-and-a-half wages to which they were entitled. Depending on the nature of the violation, the escrow officer may be able to collect up to three years of back overtime wages, as well as an equal amount in liquidated damages. If you were denied overtime pay as an escrow officer, visit and complete the free case review form to find out if you can participate in an overtime lawsuit to recover back wages. Employers are prohibited from retaliating against escrow officers who choose to exercise their legal rights, so do not hesitate to take advantage of this free case evaluation today.

Escrow officers who were wrongfully denied overtime pay may have been subjected to employee misclassification, a common overtime violation. Employee misclassification occurs when an employer intentionally misclassifies a worker into an exempt category, meaning they are “exempt” or ineligible to collect overtime pay. However, to be truly exempt from overtime pay, the employee must carry out certain job duties, such as hiring and firing other employees. Because most escrow officers are “non exempt,” they should receive 1.5 times their regular rate of pay for every hour worked over 40 in a single workweek. 

Escrow officers who were misclassified or otherwise denied overtime pay should not wait to seek legal assistance. There is a time limit for filing unpaid overtime claims, and failure to file within this time period may bar the worker from ever recovering back overtime wages. Visit IQ today and complete the free case review form to find out if you can file an unpaid overtime lawsuit. The overtime lawyers working with the site are offering this online legal consultation at no cost and remain committed to protecting the rights of escrow officers and other employees who were wrongfully denied overtime pay. 

About IQ Overtime was established to provide legal help and information for workers who have been denied overtime compensation. Comprehensive resources for workers are available on this site, including informational articles, an overtime calculator, answers to frequently asked questions, and an overview of state overtime laws. If you have been denied overtime pay, get the legal help you need today. Visit and complete the Free Case Evaluation form to have your claim reviewed at no cost.