Newark 2/3/2011 4:19:25 AM
News / Law

California Real Estate Law Firm and Intero Real Estate Services Work Together to Help Save Homes

The Law Offices of Kristy A. Hernandez and Intero Real Estate Services (BWR Real Estate Services Inc.) are proud to announce the Intero Home Retention Program.  The Intero Home Retention Program is designed to help keep hard-working families in their homes, even in a down real estate market.  

Many homeowners want to stay in their homes even though they have high mortgage payments and owe more on their home than what it is worth. Tough economic times should not be the reason that families give up on the American dream of home ownership.  Both Intero Real Estate and the Law Offices of Kristy Hernandez are committed to helping families do everything they can to stay in their homes by working together to identify homeowners that are good candidates for home loan modification and assist them in the home loan modification process. 

If you approach an Intero Real Estate agent about selling your home in short sale because you think you can no longer afford it, but you would prefer to keep your home, your agent may refer you to the Law Office of Kristy Hernandez to learn about your options for home loan modification and mortgage debt reduction. Kristy Hernandez has an excellent success rate in helping clients modify their home loans. As an attorney, she can use legal tactics to negotiate the best payment options and represent your financial situation to your lender. The Law Office of Kristy Hernandez will give you advice on whether you are a good candidate for loan modification and explain the process and procedures of how to make your home loan more affordable. 

Being a good real estate agent is not just about buying and selling homes. It is about making long lasting relationships with clients to build trust and maintain integrity. This is why helping families save their homes is so important to Intero.  Building trusting relationships today by assisting clients in obtaining home loan modifications assures clients that their Intero real estate agent always has their goals and best interests in mind. Even if helping clients stay in their homes today means that an agent will not earn a commission quickly, the life long relationships formed by this commitment to integrity mean that clients will hire Intero agents for years to come. 

To learn more information about the Intero Home Retention Program, contact your local Intero Real Estate agent or the Law Offices of Kristy Hernandez today. The California law firm can be reached through their website at or via phone at (510) 456-7400 (Bay Area) or (916) 988-1800 (Sacramento). 

Attorney Kristy Hernandez is a member of the National Attorney Directory on Lawyer 

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