FARGO 2/4/2011 6:12:06 AM
News / Law

Two pastors charged with DUI in Fargo plead guilty

By: Tanya Gonzalez

Two pastors pleaded guilty on Wednesday to DUI charges.

Kristopher Gorden and Jeffery Sandgren, of Fargo’s Olivet Lutheran Church, were arrested last month on charges of drunken driving. They admitted yesterday to having been intoxicated on Jan. 13 when they were arrested.

On the night of the arrest, the pastors had been driving in the separate cars with Gorden leading the way. As he tried to get on the eastbound ramp of Interstate 94 at 25th Street South, he slid into a snow bank. Sandgren stopped to help him.

A police officer stopped at the accident and gave the pastors a field sobriety test, which they failed. Their blood alcohol level was then measured, although the results were not provided in court records. In Sandren’s admission of guilt, he reported that his BAC level was 0.11.

Both pastors were sentenced to pay $625 in fines and a 30-day suspended term in jail. In addition, they were ordered to attend a 16-hour alcohol education class that is given to all first-time DUI offenders.

Their licenses are also likely to be suspended for 90 days.

Both pastors have since admitted to making a mistake.

“We do realize in this calling we’re also role models,” said Gorden. “We’re going to seek to do all we can to regain the trust that we’ve lost.”

Those charged with DUI can face numerous penalties, like the pastors faced. Other sentences include having your license revoked, your car impounded, installing an interlock ignition device and even going to jail. If you have been charged with a DUI infraction, seek the help of a DUI lawyer today.

DUI attorneys investigate the incident and speak to police and witnesses about the case. They try to see if you were unfairly charged, and if so, will do everything in their power to get the charges dropped.  Oftentimes, motorists are charged without proper cause, on suspicion alone, and do not fight the charges out of fear of making matters worse. If this has happened to you, your DUI lawyer will fight for your rights and make sure you don’t pay for crimes you did not commit.

Don’t wait too long before contacting a paralegal. Speak to a renowned DUI attorney today to get started on your case.