Dallas 2/5/2011 4:02:47 AM
News / Law

Hazardous Roads Create Chaos for Texas DOT

The recent snow fall in the usually warm state of Texas has created very dangerous conditions on major roads and highways. Many of the roads and bridges are icy and the DOT is attempting to keep the roads clear for motorists, but they are strongly suggesting residents stay off the roads for their personal safety. Some of the major highways will be closed until early Saturday afternoon which is bad news for those hoping to attend the Super Bowl and must to travel from different areas around the country into Texas.

Icy roads can create very unsafe driving conditions for those not accustomed to driving in the snow and ice. Despite the efforts of the DOT to keep roads safe, there have been numerous traffic accidents. One mistake can cause a serious accident that may cause damage to property or personal injury creating the need to retain an accident attorney. Roads aren’t the only things that become treacherous under winter weather conditions.

Icy sidewalks that haven’t been cleared, along with slippery floors where snow has been tracked in on shoes can also create circumstances where a person can be harmed by slipping or falling which may cause the need to seek the counsel of an accident lawyer. The snow should be fun but when unprepared many perilous conditions can arise. For the sake of your safety, it is advisable to stay of the roads but if you must travel and an accident happens it may be essential to hire an accident attorney.