Dallas 2/5/2011 4:13:17 AM
News / Law

Football Fans Gear up for Super Bowl Sunday

This Sunday is the day that football fans look forward to all year. The big match between the Green Bay Packers and the Pittsburg Steelers kicks off with pre-game festivities at 4pm on Sunday Feb 6th. There will certainly be many Super Bowl parties across the country as people cheer on their favorite teams.

Much food and alcohol will be purchased and consumed by millions of enthusiastic football fans. While many bars around the country host their own Super Bowl parties, others prefer to view the game in the comfort of their own homes. With the many football festivities going on there is the possibility that people will be driving while intoxicated and if you get caught you will have to find a DUI lawyer.


Sports and drinking go hand in hand, and the police know this. They will be out in large numbers this Sunday looking for drunk drivers. Sometimes the excitement of watching the biggest game of the year combined with reduced reasoning of excessive alcohol consumption makes people loss their common sense and drive while intoxicated which means they will require a DUI attorney.

While you are at one of the many house parties or out at a bar enjoying the big game have some fun. If you are one of the many revelers that have too much fun and drive drunk you will need to contact a DUI lawyer to make sure you can enjoy next year’s Super Bowl game. 
