New York 2/10/2011 2:45:37 AM
News / Law

McDonald’s Experienced Significant Gains in Overseas Markets

by Daun Lee

The fast food giant saw revenue gains in their international market that surpassed profits in the US, where the chain started. Demand for their breakfast menu and drive –thru services increased throughout Germany, the UK, France and Russia reached a gain in revenues around 7%.  Restaurants in Australia, Africa, The Middle East, China and Japan experienced a 5.2% increase attributed to regional menu choices. There US based stores gained a little over 3%. All the international gains allowed the company’s stock to sell 3.3% higher in the market on Tuesday.

The considerable profit gain is encouraging for expansion. McDonald’s CEO Jim Skinner stated that they will plan to invest $2.5 billion in capital around the globe by adding new stores and updating the image of existing stores. Taking jobs overseas means the company will need immigration lawyers to help executives with work visas.  McDonald’s investment plans are encouraging for the American economy which has seen little job growth over the past couple of years.

American corporations who take their business overseas often send employees from their home office to maintain the standards dictated by their success. Skilled laborers and workers who travel with their companies to foreign lands need assistance with the process of obtaining work visas and citizenship and immigration attorneys are there for guidance.  Working and residing in a different country can be difficult even with the backing of a large corporation like McDonald‘s but an immigration lawyer can assure a smooth transition