Green Bay 2/10/2011 3:44:41 AM
News / Law

The Green Bay Packers Take the Super Bowl

by Daun Lee

Millions of viewers watched as the Green Bay Packers were victorious over the Pittsburg Steelers. The Green Bay Packers, who won by a narrow margin of six points will return to Wisconsin as champions of the 45th Super Bowl. Many of their fans celebrated with enthusiasm and will continue to celebrate today as they return home for a welcoming ceremony on Tuesday. While some fans work on curing their hangovers Monday, others will be shoveling snow in Lambeau Field where Tuesday’s pep rally will be held.

For many football fans, the Super Bowl and alcohol go hand in hand. Football fans packed bars and attended Super Bowl parties across the nation. With all the excessive drinking going on many people will drive while intoxicated and will need a Dui attorney to get them out of a mess. The victory or defeat of your favorite team is a great excuse to get really drunk. Drunkenness lowers the ability to make rational decisions and many times leads to incidents of drunk driving.

If you are a first offender or a repeat offender a DUI can have serious penalties, but with a Dui lawyer these penalties can be minimized.  Whether you are Steeler’s fan lamenting their defeat or a Packers fan celebrating victory don’t let a moment of indiscretion destroy your life. When you drink and drive you may not get caught every time, but eventually your luck will run out and when it does hire a Dui attorney to be your champion in court.