New York 2/10/2011 4:51:32 AM
News / Law

Egyptian Attempts Normalcy in Third Week of Protests

by Daun Lee

While in its third week of protests the North African country is still facing many challenges in the effort to return to a normal way of life. Some shops and banks reopened Monday and the amount of protesters calling for the replacement of Hosni Mumbarak were seen in lower numbers. Egypt is still facing economic strife and the international market has little confidence that it will reach stability in the very near future as the Egyptian pound fell in comparison the US dollar

The protesters are calling for end of the Mumbarak regime.  The clashes between Mumbarak supporters and the protestors have become calmer amid talks of constitutional reform allowing citizens of Cairo to feel safer in the downtown area. The calmness however has not changed the feeling of protestors who want to overthrow the current regime and as with most countries experiencing political unrest will lead to political refugees seeking asylum. Immigration lawyers can best advise refugees on the process of immigration to more peaceful Western nations.

Mumbarak has the support of the US and other nations but must address how to appease the growing dissatisfaction of protestors. For those who are put in danger by supporting Mumbarak , they can seek asylum in safer countries with retention of an immigration lawyer.  Countries where political unrest endangers their citizens create a class of refugees and many Western nations allow them to immigrate. An Immigration attorney can instruct refugees on the steps they need to take to immigrate to a safer place.