New York 2/10/2011 5:26:48 AM
News / Law

American Stock Prices Rise but the Dollar Remains Weak

by Daun Lee

The American stock market gained again for the seventh consecutive day, the longest trend in gains since July of 2010. The retailers Inc., JC Penny Inc. and Home Depot Inc. were the lead in retail profit advances. Homebuilders and retailers are hopeful of a rebound in light of the increased consumer confidence.  Despite the stock price gains and the recovered price of gold the dollars remains weak due to Chinese inflation rates.

Small businesses in the US account for 65% of total jobs felt a rise in confidence to its highest point in three years. Reports later this week are anticipated to show that jobless claims have decreased and consumers feeling more comfortable with their spending. The economy seems to be a slow climb upward, but in spite of this many people still feel a financial strain after years of sluggish economic growth.  Numerous individuals turn to credit cards and loans to get them through lean times. With an increase in personal debt and little wage increase millions of American must seek out the aid of bankruptcy attorneys to reduce their mountains of debt.

The recession of the past three years has greatly affected the cost of living for many Americans who struggle to make ends meet and sometimes fail. Facing economic ruin obliges many individuals to hire bankruptcy lawyers to help them overcome their disparities. Until the dollar consistently gains and significant growth of wages become a reality many people will have to facilitate bankruptcy attorney to eliminate staggering debt.