Los Angeles 2/10/2011 5:41:27 AM
News / Law

Lindsay Lohan Charged with Theft

by Daun Lee

Many child actors suffer from all the stress and pressure that being in the limelight so early in life puts them through. Lindsay Lohan is one such example. She had hired a DUI attorney to defend her case when she was caught drunk and behind the wheel. It didn’t help her much though as she did spend some time in jail for that. But perhaps the time served could have been more.

Theft or Not?

As if a DUI lawyer defending her wasn’t enough, she will now be defended by a criminal lawyer owing to the fact that a Los Angeles jewelry store has accused the 24 year old actress of theft. They alleged that she had stolen a necklace worth $2,500. However, this means she will be tried for grand theft and one count of felony. If convicted again, she could be put away for a few years. This is no laughing matter anymore.


After the disappearance of the necklace, Lohan was caught trying it on in video footage. Before a search warrant for the item could be obtained by the detective in question, it was returned anonymously. Now the child actress Lindsay Lohan denies that she stole the necklace but says she had actually borrowed it instead. Different ways to say the same thing, aren’t they?

Looks Guilty

The young star would do better to pull up her socks and ensure that she doesn’t get caught on the wrong side of the law again. On being questioned she replied with ambiguous answers like the ones she dealt out to her DUI attorney. Her credibility is nonexistent.