Los Angeles 2/10/2011 6:45:20 AM
News / Law

Former Pop Diva Ashlee Simpson is Leaving Pete Wentz

by Daun Lee

Jessica Simpsons’ baby sister, Ashlee filed for divorce today stating irreconcilable differences, but TMZ reports it is because of Pet’s erratic behavior. Ashlee and Wentz, the bassist for the once popular band Fall Out Boy were once a hot couple and big names on the music have since dropped out of view. The couple has been married for three years old and has a son, Bronx Mowgli. Ashlee is seeking physical custody of their child but Pete will have visitation rights. The couple did not sign a pre-nuptial agreement, which a divorce lawyer would most likely say is unwise especially for the rich and famous. Simpson is asking for spousal support.

Every week there are reports of at least one, if not more celebrity divorces. There personal problem are played out in the public arena which actually make the job of a divorce attorney a bit easier because the scrutiny of the public causes the celebrities to have better behavior during the proceedings . The fascination with celebrity divorces would give the impression that they divorce at a higher rate than regular people. 

An average of 44 percent of US marriages, end in divorce and the majority are initiated by women and are settled with the retention of a divorce lawyer. Statics also show that people under the ages of thirty divorce more frequently. People who are on their second marriages end at a rate of 60 percent and third marriages are dissolved at a shocking rate of 73 percent.