Los Angeles 2/11/2011 4:47:18 AM
News / Law

Director Kevin Smith Confesses “I’m a Stoner”

by Daun Lee

Film director Kevin Smith credits actor Seth Rogen for turning him into a stoner.  In recent interviews Smith credits the green stuff with giving renewing his creativity and giving his career fresh momentum. While working with Seth on the lackluster film “Zack and Miri Make a Porno”, Smith noted that Rogen was a functioning pothead. Rogen showed up to the set on time and continued to be creative and funny. Although some of his films like “Clerks” would leave you the impression Smith is a big stoner, he repeatedly denied Rogen’s request he get high with him until the last day of shooting. That was the end of Smith’s pot prohibition and he now praises Seth for turning him into a pot head.

Seth Rogen and Kevin Smith are among the ranks of millions of pot users who laud marijuana for its creativity inducing properties.  Along with its ability to be inspiring, marijuana has many beneficial medicinal properties. The use of marijuana is spreading leading many people to propose its legalization and with more people smoking pot, DUI attorneys will be in higher demand.

In spite of its many benefits, it does slow down an individual’s reaction time which isn’t good if people drive while under the influence of pot and with a pot DUI they will require the aid of a DUI lawyer.  So if you get high and can’t control the need for munchies and you drive your car keep the number of a DUI attorney on hand because you may need one if you get caught.