New York 2/11/2011 4:51:23 AM
News / Law

Blind Activist Repeatedly Harassed in China

by Daun Lee

Chen Guangchen claims that since his release from jail he has been under constant surveillance and the subject of harassment by the Communist ruled Chinese government. The activist gained international notoriety when he publicly protested the forced abortions, sterilization and land grabs perpetrated by the Chinese government in the Shangdong province where he resides. The 39 year old activist taught himself law in order to expose abuses perpetrated by the Chinese government. He along with other activists are continuously monitored and bullied by police officials and are confined to their homes.

Chen taped a video detailing the abuses he and his family have suffered and arranged for someone to smuggle the video out of his village and post on YouTube. On Tuesday Chinese officials invaded his home and beat Chen and his wife once they found out about the video. Though the Chinese government states they respect the rights of their citizens, many activists claim they are abused and harassed by the police. The numerous transgressions of the Chinese government compel hundreds of Chinese people to seek citizenship in other countries with the help of immigration lawyers and contribute thousands of new immigrants to Western nations on a yearly basis.

For the US, Chinese immigrants account for the largest majority of new citizens added to the population. Whether they are refugees or migrant workers the Chinese immigrants require the aid of immigration attorneys to guide them through the process. The thousands of Chinese immigrants who leave their country will have an easier transition when they employ the aid of an immigration lawyer.