New York 2/12/2011 6:16:42 AM
News / Law

Former Jets Quarterback Enters Rehab

by Daun Lee

Ray Lucas a former quarterback for the Jets entered a Florida drug rehab last week to kick his addiction to pain killers. The 38 year old suffered many injuries during his eight year career and developed an addiction to pain killers. This past September he had neck surgery to relieve his pain. After his career the football player Lucas was left with headaches, back spasms and depression. He is using the social networking site Facebook to chronicle his journey into sobriety and has repeatedly thanked his fan for their support.

Lucas joins the millions of Americans who have become addicted to pain killers like oxycodone and vicodin.  According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, up to 20 percent of traffic accidents involve drivers under the influence of pain killers. Prescription pain killers are known to impair motor skills and slow reaction times. Drugged drivers can cause traffic accidents which require the assistance of a DUI attorney. Some surveys have revealed that close to 10 million persons 12 and older admitted to driving under the influence of pain killers.

As the abuse of prescription drugs increases the chances of a drugged driving charge which could entail the loss of a drivers’ license and the possibility of jail time unless a person seeks the guidance of a DUI lawyer. Prescription pain killers have warning labels which discourage people from driving while under their influence. A warning which many people ignore and risk a DUI charge that only a DUI attorney can assist the driver with.