York, PA 2/13/2011 8:01:52 AM
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Five Proven Lawyer Referral Marketing Strategies Attorneys Can Use to Attract Quality Prospects

Attorneys Can Build a Referral Business with These Proven Lawyer Referrals Marketing Tips

One of the most effective law firm marketing strategies is getting referrals. Prospects who come from referrals are more qualified, easier to do business with, and more likely to send more business your way.  Your biggest sources for referrals will come from two places: (1) your current and past clients and (2) referral partners.

K Baker, President of LawyerBizCoach.com, a website that offers marketing and business development advice to solo and small law firms, has helped thousands of attorneys attract quality prospects and referrals. She has recently launched a new program, Referral Marketing for Lawyers, that can be purchased on the website.

To attract more lawyer referrals, follow these tips.

1) Expect referrals - Whenever you start working with a client, make referrals part of your working agreement. Let clients know that you get most of your clients from referrals and that as part of working with you, you expect that they will refer business to you. This will allow you to spend more time serving them rather than prospecting for new clients.

2) Make it easy for clients to refer business - Explain to your clients who would make an ideal client for your business by providing them with a one-page overview of your referral process such as how they can refer business to you and what you will do to follow up.

3) Reward referral partners - Make sure to keep referral partners updated on whether their referrals become clients. Always thank your partners and offer a token of your appreciation.

4) Develop your referral network - Create a list of professionals who are in a position to refer business to you and vice versa. These professionals can be people who help clients like yours before, during or after you work with them. This way, you can provide additional value to your clients by referring business to your referral partners and they can send business your way.

5) Contact past clients - Each week, take a past client to lunch and catch up on what is happening with their business. Reconnecting with past clients can help you attract repeat business and referrals.

These five lawyer referral marketing strategies can help you attract more clients to your law firm. You can purchase the full audio program, Referral Marketing for Lawyers, at http://www.lawyerbizcoach.com.