Los Angeles 2/16/2011 12:50:23 AM
News / Law

Charlie Sheen Says Sobriety is Boring

by Daun Lee

Bad boy Charlie Sheen is constantly in the news these days. His erratic behavior over the past few months has landed him in rehab but can he stay sober?  His off screen behavior pushed the production company for his show “Two and a Half Men” to force Sheen into hiatus and enter drug rehab in his home. On a sports radio show Sheen told the host Dan Patrick that people shouldn’t do crack “unless you can handle it socially”, but this is really bad advice. The veteran actor has been previously sober but claims boredom is the reason for his bad boy behavior.

Drinking to excess is common among many people, who hasn’t gotten too drunk before?  However, the effects it can have on our mental state and our health should make people realize that moderation is a good practice. Every once in a while we all make errors and drink to excess and sometimes drive our cars resulting in a DUI, a situation only a DUI attorney is qualified to handle. The high profile of celebrities grants them ‘get out of jail free cards’ that aren’t available to everyday people.

There’s nothing wrong with partying and having a good time but if you don’t think straight you could make very bad decisions, and the worst one is driving under the influence. When you get a DUI only a DUI attorney can get you out of the mess. Allow the wise choice of obtaining a DUI lawyer get you out of trouble when you use poor judgment.