Florida 2/16/2011 2:58:25 AM
News / Law

Anti-Illegal Immigration Activist Found Guilty of Murder

by Daun Lee

Vigilante Shawna Forde, along with two male accomplices was convicted of murder and aggravated assault on Monday for a home invasion in 2009 that resulted in two deaths. The tragedy happened in Arizona which has been very vocal about their dismay over illegal immigration and the affects it has on their state.

Forde and her accomplices entered the home of Raul Flores claiming they were agents looking for illegal immigrants believed to be harbored in his home. The vigilantes were hoping to secure guns and drugs to fund their fight against the controversial subject of illegal immigration. Once inside they shot Flores in the chest and shot his girlfriend Gina Gonzales in the leg, later they ruthlessly shot 9 year old Brisenia Flores, the couple’s daughter after she begged for her life. Ironically, all the victims were US citizens.

The vigilante’s misdirected anger was exacerbated by the growing number of illegal immigrants in Arizona.  The US is very liberal with their immigration policy and encourages people who are here illegally to seek citizenship with the assistance of an immigration attorney. As a citizen, the rights of immigrants can be better protected and preserved.

Despite the reasons for remaining in the states illegally, the immigrant would benefit more from naturalization. The process of obtaining citizenship can be complicated which may be a deterrent but with the retention of an immigration lawyer the system is easier to navigate. Fordes conviction proves that some want to harm illegal immigrants, which makes citizenship and the aid of an immigration attorney even more important.