Florida 2/16/2011 3:07:39 AM
News / Law

Karima el Marough is the Center of Italian Sex Scandal

by Daun Lee

The Moroccan belly dancer is the young women who will most likely bring down the Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi. The Prime Minister met the dancer who goes by Ruby, the heart stealer was paid to have sex with Berlusconi last year when she was only 17; prostitution isn’t illegal in Italy unless the person is under 18. The citizens of Italy are outraged by his abuse of power and claim his actions as their leader are unacceptable. The impression is that his behavior is offensive to women.

Women around the world have taken many strides in the past century to be recognized as valuable beyond their sexuality. The behavior of the Italian Prime Minister outrages the people of his country because he treats women as adornments. The struggle for women’s equality and rights has often been fought in the workplace with sexual harassment attorneys as their champions. Even though many women are gaining more respect, they still make less money and are often the targets of sexual harassment. Women in the workplace are often asked by their superiors to provide sexual favors in exchange for promotions; called quid pro quo harassment. The savvy of sexual harassment lawyers has helped women in these situations experience more opportunity in their careers.

When men with powerful corporate and political positions abuse their status for sexual gain, it creates an environment where disrespect for women and their sexuality seems acceptable. A sexual harassment lawyer will tell you no woman deserves to be treated as object whose only value is sex.