Florida 2/16/2011 3:48:00 AM
News / Law

Attempt to Raise Awareness in Tibet Ends in Tragedy

by Daun Lee

The nephew of the Dali Lama, Jigme K. Norbu began a 300 mile walk along Florida’s coastal highway to raise awareness for the Tibetan plight was struck and killed Monday night. Norbu who resided in Indiana has participated in many walks around the world. He was walking along the highway after dark when a motorist driving a SUV hit him and was pronounced dead on the scene. The driver of the SUV was 31 year old man from Palm Beach and had two children with him; none of the occupants of the vehicle were injured. The Dali Lama was saddened and said he would include him in his prayers. No charges have been filed against the motorist.

Thousands of people are killed on our roadways annually. Although accidents are unintentional, numerous people are injured by the neglect of other motorists.  Victims of motor vehicle accrue many expenses including medical care or burial expenses. If a person is killed their families may lose income that they need to survive, but with the retention of an accident attorney they can seek compensation.

Money cannot replace a loved one but it can ease some suffering by relieving their financial burdens if they employ the expertise of an accident attorney. The amount of debt accident injury sufferers accrues can be troublesome making recovery more difficult. When directed by an accident lawyer, the accident victim or their survivors can ask the court system to award them reparation.