Washington, DC 2/16/2011 5:48:22 AM
News / Law

House Speaker Boehner favors Spending Cuts over Jobs

by Daun Lee

Speaker of the House effectively used his concern for the American worker in his 2010 election which makes today’s statements shocking for the people he seemed to be worried about.  In his press conference held, the Ohio Republican called for cutting federal jobs which the GOP says will cut 100 billion dollars off the federal budget. When challenged about this notion he was quoted saying “If some of those jobs are lost, so be it we are broke”.  Well so are the American people.

Even though the recession is thought to be over the American people still struggle to make their mortgage payments or provide for their basic needs. There is a direct correlation between unemployment and foreclosure. States like Arizona, Nevada, Florida and Michigan have unemployment rates and have the highest number of homes in foreclosure and require the assistance of a foreclosure lawyers. The prospect of eliminating jobs in this volatile economy with little job growth just doesn’t make sense. Those on unemployment can’t spend very much and the US economy is highly dependent on consumer spending.

If the GOP gets their way and eliminates more federal jobs how many of these employees will face foreclosure and need the aid of a foreclosure attorney. Losing a home can be devastating to a person and will trickle down to all aspects of their lives, including their credit rating which can be seriously affected unless they employ a foreclosure lawyer.