Los Anegels 2/17/2011 2:53:14 AM
News / Law

TV Star Accused of Domestic Violence

by Daun Lee

Frankie Muniz who starred in the once popular television show ” Malcolm in the Middle” , allegedly held a loaded gun to his head last Friday over an argument about prior relationships. His girlfriend, Elycia Turnbow called a friend to help who subsequently took him to a hospital for an evaluation and was released. Things apparently escalated when Muniz returned home where he turned the violence against his girlfriend. According to the Phoenix police, Muniz pushed her into a wall and punched her in the back of the head, but the actor was not arrested. The publicist for Muniz denied these allegations to the press.

Domestic violence is an all too common problem among married and cohabitating couples. The Center for Disease Control estimates that 10 percent of the American population is involved in domestically violent relationships. Men are victims of abuse as well, but the violence against women has the tendency to be more severe. Women who are abused by their husbands generally won’t leave their spouse for financial reasons but a divorce lawyer could help them get the support they need to leave their abuser.

Experts say that a third of instances of domestic violence don’t get reported and the violence will only escalate. Victims of domestic abuse are encouraged to leave their dangerous situation and with the aid of a divorce attorney and public service agencies the battered wife can transition easily. Advice from a divorce lawyer can allow abused spouses the peace of mind needed to get out of a potentially deadly situation.