New York 2/18/2011 3:15:30 AM
News / Law

David Cassidy Goes to Court for DUI

by Daun Lee

David Cassidy was a heart-throb in the seventies while a star of the insanely popular shoe ‘The Partridge Family’.  The actor hasn’t had many roles in recent years. While he was driving in FT Pierce he left his lane a couple of times and cut another driver off at an exit ramp. He was pulled over and the trooper found a half empty bottle of bourbon under his seat.  He received a DUI last November and appeared in court Wednesday to put in his plea of no contest. This was his first DUI and was given the mandatory penalty dictated by Florida law.

Every year thousands upon thousands of people don’t use their common sense and drive under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol impairs people’s judgment and slow reaction times which make drunk drivers a serious danger on the roads, a fact the law realizes so they are tough on individuals who get DUI. When going to court it is important to have a DUI lawyer present with you.

The fines and penalties can be harsh so it is vital to have a DUI attorney advise you the actions to take in your DUI case. Many penalties include loss of license, steep fines and even jail time. One night of drinking isn’t worth the loss of your personal freedom but if flawed logic causes you to make a bad decision and drive while drunk, a DUI lawyer maybe your savior.