Florida 2/18/2011 3:28:31 AM
News / Law

Hawaii to Allow Same Sex Marriages

by Daun Lee

Despite their use of the term civil union, the state of Hawaii has passed legislation that allows gay couple to be married. This has been a hot debate around the country for years. Most states have yet to pass legislation that legally recognizes gay marriages. For homosexuals the chance of their partner being legally recognized is an important issue both socially and economically. Legalization of same sex marriages is an important step in the equal rights movement. As legally recognized union, gay couples are eligible to receive their partner’s health and life insurance benefits. No telling if gay unions will suffer the fate that straight marriages do.

Marriages don’t fare well in the US; over 40 percent of them end in divorce. Statistic show that the younger a person is when they get married the likelier they are to get divorced. Man and women who marry in their early twenties have the highest rate of divorce. Second and third marriages end at an even higher rate keeping divorce attorneys very busy. The age group that seems to last the longest are the ones that get married between ages 35 and 39. 

If the parties and their divorce lawyers agree to the terms divorces can be settled out of court. However one of the divorcing parties may contend settlement terms and have to take their case to court. While in court the employ of divorce attorney is the surest was to reach a fair judgment.