New York 2/18/2011 3:39:17 AM
News / Law

Bahrain Is the Latest in Political Unrest

by Daun Lee

The small island nation of Bahrain now joins other Arab nations in political unrest. Protestors inspired by the uprising in Egypt are calling for reforms. The tiny nation with a population of one million which is 81 percent Muslim is an ally of the US.  Protestors claim that Bahraini authorities are using unnecessary force to quell the unrest. Three died Wednesday night when security forces entered an encampment of protestors. One reporter was killed while covering the Bahraini protest.

The Middle East seems besieged with political unrest and terrorism. Most of modern day history is plagued with the incessant fighting of Middle Eastern nations among themselves and with countries outside the Arab nations. Continuous wars and infractions of human rights force many citizens of these nations to find asylum in other countries.

There are numerous people who live in nations that are unsafe due to political upheavals and natural disasters. People who seek personal safety in another country are called refugees. The United States allows many thousands of refugees to seek citizenship every year. The refugee along with an immigration attorney can petition the US government to allow them to entry. As a refugee the process of US naturalization is a bit different than an economic immigrant. The expertise of an immigration lawyer can guide the individual in the process of asylum.  Freedom is something some Americans take for granted. Under the rule of some regimes humans across the globe have little or no personal freedoms, but an immigration lawyer can guide them on the road to freedom.