Southfield 2/19/2011 12:14:25 AM
News / Law

Michigan Car Accident Lawyer Participates in the Hit-and-Run Reward Program

Buckfire & Buckfire is participating in the Hit-and-Run Reward Program created to assist police authorities in identifying drivers that cause injuries so that they can face the legal penalties imposed for their criminal actions. The Southfield law firm, Buckfire and Buckfire, P.C. choose to participate knowing this program will help bring justice to victims of hit-and-run accidents and their families. The law firm specializes in representing victims of auto accidents in Michigan including hit-and-run accidents.

The Hit-and-Run Reward Program allows a person who has witnessed a hit-and-run to report the accident and offender anonymously and in return be awarded a reward if there is an arrest or felony charge. The goal of the program is to stop hit-and-runs by providing a means and incentive to report offenders. This ultimately will save lives and make our streets safer.

The problem of hit-and-run driving is a serious one. In 2007 alone, 4675 pedestrians were killed by a hit-and-run motor vehicle. Hit-and-run accidents are too common and can be prevented.

The Michigan car accident lawyers of Buckfire and Buckfire, P.C. are honored to participate in the Hit-and-Run Reward Program and will continue to promote awareness about the dangers of hit-and-run accidents. The firm is dedicated to eliminating car accidents in Michigan including hit-and-runs that cause individuals to suffer traumatic and catastrophic injuries.

Attorney Larry Buckfire is a member of the national attorney network on

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